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【輸入盤CD】【新品】Benjamin Wallfisch (Soundtrack) / Flash【K2024/2/2発売】

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"The Flash," directed by Andy Muschietti, is the DC Super Heros first-ever standalone feature film. Worlds collide when Barry Allen uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. ?But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. ?That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian... albeit not the one hes looking for. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? The films score was composed by lauded two-time GRAMMY- and BAFTA-nominated composer Benjamin Wallfisch. The Soundtrack features 42 tracks with over 80 minutes of music.発売日: 2024/2/2輸入盤レーベル: Diggers Factory収録曲: 1.1 Are You Actively Eating That Candy Bar?1.2 Sounds About Right, Bruce1.3 Collapsing East Wing1.4 Baby Shower1.5 Nora1.6 Run1.7 Not This Time, Kid1.8 Can of Tomatoes1.9 See You Soon1.10 Please Work1.11 Todays the Day1.12 Phasing1.13 Escape from the Lab1.14 Zod1.15 What Is This Place?1.16 Spaghetti1.17 Into the Batcave1.18 I Loved You First1.19 Fate1.20 I Am Batman1.21 Batdoneon1.22 Kal-El?1.23 Escape from Siberia1.24 Now We Try Not to Die1.25 Supergirl1.26 Want Some Help?1.27 I Gave You a Warning1.28 What Could Go Wrong?1.29 Lets Get Electrocuted1.30 Ive Got You1.31 You Wanna Get Nuts?1.32 Lets Get Nuts1.33 Cyclonic Diversion1.34 Im Not Going Alone1.35 We Can Fix This1.36 Inevitable Intersection1.37 We Can Save Her1.38 The Dark Flash1.39 Worlds Collide (Superman Version)1.40 Youre My Hero1.41 Into the Singularity1.42 Call Meコメント:"The Flash," directed by Andy Muschietti, is the DC Super Heros first-ever standalone feature film. Worlds collide when Barry Allen uses his superpowers to travel back in time in order to change the events of the past. ?But when his attempt to save his family inadvertently alters the future, Barry becomes trapped in a reality in which General Zod has returned, threatening annihilation, and there are no Super Heroes to turn to. ?That is, unless Barry can coax a very different Batman out of retirement and rescue an imprisoned Kryptonian... albeit not the one hes looking for. Ultimately, to save the world that he is in and return to the future that he knows, Barrys only hope is to race for his life. But will making the ultimate sacrifice be enough to reset the universe? The films score was composed by lauded two-time GRAMMY- and BAFTA-nominated composer Benjamin Wallfisch. The Soundtrack features 42 tracks with over 80 minutes of music.

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残り 1 2566.2円

(26 ポイント還元!)

翌日お届け可(営業日のみ) ※一部地域を除く

お届け日: 2025.03.10〜指定可 (明日12:00のご注文まで)

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